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Ben Gurion, Robert St. John, Moshe Feldenkrais, D. Sc.

There is a famous picture of Ben-Gurion, Prime Minister of Israel 1948-54 and 1955-63,  standing on his head.  Robert St. John in his Biography of Ben-Gurion, talks about the headstand on the beach as  a visible result of his everyday appointments with Dr. Feldenkrais.  Ben-Gurion’s  wife called Feldenkrais Dr. Hocus Pocus (due to his non-traditional […]

Self-Discovery supports memory

Does one remember better through memorization techniques or insight? The following study explores the above question, something Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc.  believed to be true years ago as he observed children developing their patterns of action. He designed Awareness Through Movement lessons so you had to think your way through and discover new ‘insights’ to how […]

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