The Feldenkrais Method® is an organic, somatic approach to learning that taps into the brain’s enormous capacity to ‘learn’ and then change (neuroplasticity). One discovers that a change in a movement pattern goes beyond the physical.
Feldenkrais with Bonnie K.
A Taste of Feldenkrais — Check out these FREE items:
Video: Nervous System’s Solution for Changing Habits — 5 Rules
Feldenkrais Lessons LIVE & Online with BonnieK
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Rehabilitation and
Wellness for All Ages
Take Charge
Move a Step Beyond Rehabilitation
Move a Step Beyond Rehabilitation
"Moshe Feldenkrais, [was] the greatest thinker about how to improve movement in the 20th Century.” Norman Doidge, M.D.
“I wanted to learn more. I had a stiff neck and saw a great Chiropractor 2x a week. Then I thought there must be something better. I wanted to take charge of myself and my own health.” R.W., lawyer
The Feldenkrais Method® encourages you to become a student of your own body/mind from the inside out. When you move your mindset in self-care from ‘fixing’ or ‘correcting’ to engaging your brain’s natural ability to learn, you will discover new possibilities in thought and action. Through moving with attention you expand your own ability to improve balance, ease of movement, posture and gait in walking while you learn to reduce pain and excessive muscular tension.

Children with Special Needs
The Anat Baniel Method®
of Neuromovement
Empower Your Child's Ability to Learn and Develop.
“ [Anat Baniel, Ph.D]., shows ways to access the child’s own brain plasticity, … so that the children can spontaneously grow from within." Norman Doidge, M.D.
“I saw small changes after each session. First, he’s always calmer. Then, the other day, on his own, I saw him begin to make the bridge using his legs! ” P.C., Mom
Central to all learning is the ability to differentiate. Support your child’s ability to discern differences in his/her actions and improve the quality of his/her world.

Enhance Performance
& Skills - For Golfers & Trainers
The Effortless Swing® approach for optimal golf uses revolutionary Awareness Through Movement® lessons created by bodymind pioneer — Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais --- and adapts them specifically for the golfer.
The EffortlessSwing® approach for optimal golf is available as a self-paced, online course with video and audio lessons, plus two individual lessons on Zoom.
"I'm playing some of the best golf of my life without "trying" hard at all." Rob, golfer
Athletes, Musicians and Dancers
Fine Tune Skills, Empower Performance, Prevent Injury
"I believe that my exposure to the Feldenkrais Method® has enabled me to rejuvenate my running career. I have learned to perform with less effort without sacrificing quality. I can continuously readjust myself while running, and after a workout I can create light, easy movements that self - massage the muscles." E.S., runner
Learn to heighten awareness and discern subtle differences in your actions and become more consistent, focused, and powerful.

Professional Seminars
Seminars focus on the neurological, mechanical and healing aspects of movement.
"I shared your method with my clients, using only the arms from the demonstration this weekend and every single person commented on how light or rubbery and at ease the arms felt after. This was a fascinating find for me. It makes my work more effective!" A.M., LMT
Seminars use concepts from The Feldenkrais Method® and offer practical applications for Educators, Coaches, Licensed Massage Therapists, and other professionals including Speech, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Chiropractic Medicine, Gerontologists and Practitioners of Child Development.
Certificate Program
To register go to the "Calendar" and click on the date of Seminar.