Feldenkrais in Tampa

Anat Baniel Method NeuroMovement® and
Feldenkrais Functional Integration

8424 4th Street North, Tampa, FL (on Tuesdays — or in Sarasota.)

Contact Bonnie Kissam with questions


Awareness Through Movement® lessons ONLINE


Touch to Inform Seminars IN PERSON

Seminar Calendar 2024

Schedule TBA for 2025

For Individual Lessons: Contact Isis Masoud


About The Feldenkrais Method®

The Feldenkrais Method® explores how our movement patterns are learned and maintained and how they can be unlearned and changed. Specifically designed movement lessons performed with attention and intention, guide people of all ages from young children to senior citizens, to discover how to unlearn patterns that interfere with their ability to move or perform optimally as they learn new ways to act that encourage fluid, effortless action for everyday activities as well as exceptional performances.

The focus of attention while performing simple, easy movements, supports the brain’s capacity to learn, change and move beyond one’s ‘thought to be’ limitations.

The Feldenkrais Method® reminds us that the best learning is self-discovery. If we seem limited in our abilities, we can return to sensing our actions, find variations, reconnect with our ability to learn and discover we have unlimited resources. We learn to self-discover many new possible paths and once more function in an efficient, easy, graceful manner.

“By shifting your attention to the means of achieving instead of the urge to succeed, the learning process is easier, quieter, and faster. Striving for a goal reduces the incentive to learn, but by adopting a level of action well within our means we can improve our way of acting and reach much higher levels in the end.” Moshe Feldenkrais, D. Sc., Elusive Obvious (1981).

Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc. created two processes…. (click here to learn more)

Principles of the Feldenkrais Method

Basic to the Method is shifting from ‘fixing’ or ‘correcting’ to ‘learning’.

 ‘Learning’ is sensing and discerning subtle differences

In order to heighten your ability to sense, The Feldenkrais Method® removes you from the action and out of gravity so you can feel your full weight safely supported by a chair, table, or floor allowing your neuromuscular system… (click here to read more)

Bringing Feldenkrais to Tampa
Bonnie Kissam, M.A.

bonnie-kissam-feldenkrais-practitionerBonnie Kissam, M.A. in Education
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner® / Assistant Trainer
Licensed Massage Therapist FL Lic # 36256

“As a dancer, physical educator and trained massage therapist, I have always been fascinated by how the body works — and how to keep it working! In 1976 I was introduced to the work of body/mind pioneer Moshe Feldenkrais, D. Sc. who promoted the idea that we think, sense, and act all at the same time. I am always excited to introduce his Method to others because Dr. Feldenkrais believed human beings have an enormous capacity to learn and if you are willing to think “skill” and not just “conditioning,” you can enhance your abilities effortlessly — no matter what your age or condition — in a relatively short amount of time.  When we can engage our attention as we move, our brains reawaken and receive information clarifying what we are doing. With Awareness new thoughts and abilities emerge. .” Bonnie Kissam, M.A.

Learn more about Bonnie Kissam

Contact Bonnie Kissam

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