Sitting is the new smoking regarding your overall health. Crawling is the new fix your back and all that ails you activity. Nice article in the Washington Post — 2016!! There are many advantages in thinking about crawling. Most important to me is the neurological aspect that we are 4 legged animals and when […]
Archive | Science Related Articles
RSS feed for this sectionRibs in Breathing — Side bend evenly !
For breathing our ribs need to expand to create the negative space volume required for O2 to rush in. How did this come to be? A new report has suggested that as humans evolved it was side bending that began to create the space so that lungs in our chest began to develop. Develop more […]
Energy? “the movement from possibility to actuality.”
What is energy? “the movement from possibility to actuality.” Dr. Dan Siegal Potential for using Feldenkrais’ process Interview 2018 during Feldenkrais week with Dr. Dan Siegal, Interpersonal Neurobiology and Donna Ray, Feldenkrais Practitioner/Trainer about mind, consciousness, energy, awareness. Dr. Dan Siegal suggests “dropping into the subjective experience of knowing, all […]
Keep brain Alive — dance — Feldenkrais
Awareness Through Movement Lessons are designed to make you think while you move and discover new moves or ‘new choreography’. The following article’s research shows dance to be more valuable than traditional exercise due to the change in ‘choreography’. “Each day, in everyday, we get better and better.” Emile Coue The Feldenkrais method asks you […]
The Brain That Changes Itself
2008 Norman Doidge, M.D., wrote the book The Brain that Changes Itself. The following is the Documentary of some stories in this book.
Self-Discovery supports memory
Does one remember better through memorization techniques or insight? The following study explores the above question, something Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc. believed to be true years ago as he observed children developing their patterns of action. He designed Awareness Through Movement lessons so you had to think your way through and discover new ‘insights’ to how […]

Feldenkrais and Parkinson’s
Research is always ongoing and the benefits of the Feldenkrais Method is often elusive. With that, in this study, many Parkinsonians found benefits.