Tag Archives: walking

Lightness of Walking Program

6 Sundays –2 hours each …plus relays and much more Lightness of Walking Program Sundays: 5:00-7:00 pm EST June 12-July 24 [miss 7/3] 5:00 – 7:00 pm ONLINE Our legs alone don’t do the walking! We don’t walk without a torso!! To initiate or simply use the torso in your walk is the elusive obvious. […]

Lightness of Walking Thursdays

The Lightness of Walking on Thursdays April 8- May 13    ONLINE  10am-12noon Improve your WALK without walking, the Feldenkrais WAY! 6 classes/12 hours with one individual ZOOM Session for only $249 total ** Sign up by April 5 and get an extra individual Zoom Session!    www.feldenkraisinsarasota.com/sarasota-classes-feldenkrais/ https://www.lightnessofwalking.com  

Your Spiraling Spine

District Dance Academy  Clearwater, Florida  6:30-8:30 pm Free Class using two Feldenkrais’ Awareness Through Movement® Lessons for Feldenkrais’ Awareness Through Movement®    for High Performers  Bonnie also teachers Feldenkrais’ Awareness Through Movement® Lessons for Maintenance and Self Growth

Walking Engine Weekend

Walking Weekend Friday  (Intro) 6:30-9:00 Freeing Your Neck and Shoulders  2 CEUs *Friday is open to anyone interested in an Introduction to The Feldenkrais Method® or TOUCH TO INFORM Seminars.                                                         […]

Ongoing Feldenkrais in St.Pete

Hip EXpressions 2018 Ongoing Awareness through Movement® lessons ( 6 week series) 10:00 am July 26 – August 30   at Hip Expressions,  2033 54th Street N, St Petersburg Using Feldenkrais’ specifically designed movement lessons performed with attention and intention,  participants discover how movement patterns can be unlearned and changed through sensing subtle shifts in […]

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