Archive by Author

Looking for variations enhance learning

Washington Post Article: Researchers have discovered a much faster way to learn new skills. “For skills to improve, we must update an existing memory with new information,” the researchers conclude. If you practice the exact same thing the exact same way every time, you’re not layering much new knowledge over what you already know. But, the […]

Process for learning! in Moshe’s words!!

Sometimes one needs to EXPERIENCE this work before you can understand the words.   I decided to post  this in this blog to help those who are ready for a more ’empowered’  experience of themselves,  The process of learning through Feldenkrais Movement Lessons in Moshe Feldenkrais’s own words: To begin with, the lessons take place in the […]

“Why not improve as we age?”

Dr. Michael Merzenich supports Anat Baniel’s way of helping people move forward. Our brains can change our actions. Neuroplasticity. Our brain is open to revision.  He asks,  “Why not improve as you age?”   “Your brain is looking for action.”  The question we want to ask is:  “How can I be stronger and more complete and […]

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