Tag Archives: brain

October 21-23   in Sarasota and ONLINE 15 hour intensive with the focus on neurological solutions to complicated situations A TOUCH TO INFORM Seminar offers 15 CEs for LMTs Information and Registration— 10% less when Register Early!!  : Clenching teeth is often a deep-seated pattern of action that one is not aware of until a dentist points out […]

Maintain, Regain Ageless Agility

August 12-15 in Sarasota and ONLINE A TOUCH TO INFORM Seminar  15 CEs for LMTs Register Early — 10%less AGILITY means being able to move easily in any direction quickly and lightly. This requires good balance, a brain that senses whole body action, easy joints and an even give and take between flexors and extensors of […]

Lightness of Walking Program

6 Sundays –2 hours each …plus relays and much more Lightness of Walking Program Sundays: 5:00-7:00 pm EST June 12-July 24 [miss 7/3] 5:00 – 7:00 pm ONLINE Our legs alone don’t do the walking! We don’t walk without a torso!! To initiate or simply use the torso in your walk is the elusive obvious. […]

The Feldenkrais Method® and Judo

The Feldenkrais Method’s History has roots from Judo: ***Video of a Judo master– full moves you might get in an advanced Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement Class    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3wCmyksxmA Video of first assistant Mia talking about their experiences in Japan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDkPJb4rs0g Story of Kano and Feldenkrais     SEMIOPHYSICS – Interview with Moshe **  for the young and […]

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