Archive by Author

Moving Bones!!

Have you ever thought of the BONES inside you as a sense for support?  Have you ever thought of how your BONES move?  I am always asking my students to start thinking of their bones and how to use bones with gravity to help us move easily and comfortably!!   Check us out. Check out Mr. Boneman! […]


May 1 – May 10:  TAKE the opportunity to celebrate Moshe’s Birthday during international FELDENKRAIS WEEK — with worldwide participation through 2019 Feldenkrais Summit.   This consists of online interviews and a daily lesson in many languages. Listen or participate in it whenever and however you want!!

Energy?  “the movement from possibility to actuality.”

What is energy?  “the movement from possibility to actuality.”               Dr. Dan Siegal Potential for using Feldenkrais’ process Interview 2018 during Feldenkrais week with Dr. Dan Siegal, Interpersonal Neurobiology and Donna Ray, Feldenkrais Practitioner/Trainer  about mind, consciousness, energy, awareness.  Dr. Dan Siegal suggests “dropping into the subjective experience of knowing, all […]

Breathing is Life, Life is Breathing

“Our breathing reflects every emotional or physical effort and every disturbance”– Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc Feldenkrais colleague writes:  Breathing is Life, Life is Breathing. Tyler James Wall describes how even though breathing is something we do everyday, HOW we breath is reflected in our everyday habits. Moshe Feldenkrais liked to disrupt habitual actions and habitual breathing patterns are […]

Stress or opportunity?

The following is by a fellow Feldenkrais Practitioner who suggests we move our mind set from stress as a downer to an OPPORTUNITY! “We are designed to learn but often avoid the opportunity. If we are smart and/or lucky we will set up challenges to stress/expand our lives.”   Chris Elms To read more!  

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