Tag Archives: feldenkrais

The Feldenkrais Method® and Judo

The Feldenkrais Method’s History has roots from Judo: ***Video of a Judo master– full moves you might get in an advanced Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement Class    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3wCmyksxmA Video of first assistant Mia talking about their experiences in Japan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDkPJb4rs0g Story of Kano and Feldenkrais     SEMIOPHYSICS – Interview with Moshe **  for the young and […]

Looking for variations enhance learning

Washington Post Article: Researchers have discovered a much faster way to learn new skills. “For skills to improve, we must update an existing memory with new information,” the researchers conclude. If you practice the exact same thing the exact same way every time, you’re not layering much new knowledge over what you already know. But, the […]

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